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Customizing Ragic for Your Company (Company Settings)

If you don't see the features mentioned below in your Company Settings sheet, please contact support to manually update your system default sheets.

If you are using Ragic's professional, on-premise, or enterprise plan, you can replace some assets like logos and banners to fit your corporate identity. If you are using Ragic's lite plan, you can only modify the account settings.

Click the hamburger icon on the upper-left of the page, and select Company Setting under Account Setup.

Company Name

In the company settings, you can configure the Company Information, including the Organization Name and Name Displayed in App.

If the Name Displayed in App is not set, the App will use the Organization Name. If neither is set, the database name will be displayed instead.

Custom Logo and Banner

In the Company Setting Panel, you can upload images to the Logo and Banner field. These images will be applied to all the tab menus.

When sharing your database URL, the uploaded logo will appear as the thumbnail.

If you would like to change the logo or banner for each tab menu, navigate to the homepage of the tab menu and click the Gear Icon to upload the image.

Note: Tab menu logo and banner settings will be prior to those in the Company Setting.

Setting up a Banner

It's recommended to create your banner image's width depending on the resolution of the monitors set on your company computers. The recommended height for the banner image is 102px. You can also download the custom banners we made.

If your banner image is dark, you can choose the option "Y" for the Dark Banner setting so that the layout's visibility can adjust accordingly with lighter text.

Custom Favicon

You can upload an image to the Favicon field in the Company Setting Panel.

After uploading, the icon will be displayed to the left of the webpage name.

Custom Domain

If you have your own domain, you can create a custom URL to make it easier for users to find your Ragic database.

For example, with a custom address, users can sign in to their account at instead of at the longer default address, such as

Note: This company domain does not change your original Ragic database URL ( but merely redirects you to it.

To change this setting, fill in the Company Domain field with the URL you want to set in the Company Setting Panel.


Remember to add a CNAME record pointing to your Ragic account. For example, "" should point to "". Adding a CNAME record requires logging into your domain host's website, not Ragic. If you cannot access your domain's DNS records, please contact your domain host directly for assistance. For detailed steps, please refer to this article.

Custom Login Screen

You can set up a custom login screen for your company that will make it easier for users to recognize your branding while logging in. To do this setting, access your Company Setting Panel.

Then upload images in the recommended size to the following fields:

Login banner: It will be displayed on the right side of the login screen.

Login banner when login in successfully: It will be displayed on the right side of the login screen after a successful login.

Login logo: It will be displayed in the upper left corner of the login screen, replacing the Ragic logo.

Login page greeting 1 and Login page greeting 2: Change the greeting message.

Custom Splash Screen

You may set up a custom splash screen for your company that will make it easier for users to recognize your branding during the short time that it takes to load a page in Ragic.

To do this setting, access your Company Setting Panel.

For your custom splash screen, you can use basic HTML in the Custom splash screen field to add your company logo or other types of images.

Example HTML code:

<img src="">

Design tip: The progress bar might overlap your images. To ensure it appears below your images, you can adjust the page layout by adding the margin property to your images.

Example HTML code:

<img style="margin:0 0 100px 0;" src="">

Your custom splash screen will be displayed according to the settings you have made on the company settings page.

Hide Login Page's Sign Up Button

After setting it to "Yes", the login page will no longer display the sign-up button.

Page After Logout

You can configure the Page after logout, users will go to that page after they log out.

Show Mobile App Link

Configure whether to display the Ragic mobile app link for the mobile browser here.


You can upload your company logo to the Watermark field, you will see the watermark after you download the file as a PDF.

Skip Interactive Tutorial for New Users

Although the interactive tutorial is very helpful for new users to get a fast understanding of Ragic, you can disable it for them by selecting "Yes" in this field.

Show User Card by Default

This setting determines if new users will see User Card information by default.

Users can later customize this setting in their Personal Settings or directly click the gear icon at the top right of the User Card to turn it off.

Security Settings

You can set up custom security policies for your users.

Password Complexity

Setting the password complexity to "High" will require passwords to use a combination of letters and numbers, including at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.

If you select "Medium", the password only needs to be at least 8 characters long. "Medium" is the system's default option.

Change Password Every __ Days

Once this setting is configured, users will be reminded to change their passwords based on the number of days you specify. If there is no need for your users to change their passwords periodically, enter "0" in this field.

Reuse Old Password?

Input number only.

Set to 0 to allow your users to reuse passwords that they have used before.

Set to 1 to allow your users to reuse passwords except for previous passwords.

Set to 2 to allow your users to reuse passwords except for the previous two passwords.

And so on.

Default Password

When the Admin resets a user's password, the value in this field will become the user's default password. You can change it if needed.

Auto Logout After Idle Time (Minute)

If set, Ragic will automatically log the user out after the specified minutes of idle time. Set to "0" if this is not required.

File Download With User Authentication

When set to "Yes", the system will verify users' access rights to the original records and download URLs for all File Upload and Image Upload fields across all sheets in the database.

Without access rights to the original record, users cannot access data through the URL.

If users have access rights to the original record, they must log in before downloading the file.

Additionally, with this setting as "Yes", forwarding an email with the file download link to a third-party recipient will cause it to expire.

This setting only affects files uploaded via the File Upload field. If files are uploaded through Comments, anyone with the file URL can download it without access rights. Therefore, if confidentiality is required, please use the File Upload field.

Enforce Two-Step Authentication

Setting it to Yes will enable two-step authentication for all users, and they won't be able to turn it off by themselves.

Allowed 2-Step Authentication Methods

The setting enables users to select their preferred authentication methods in their Personal Settings. Options include obtaining a time-based one-time password (TOTP) through the Ragic app or a third-party app or receiving the authentication code via email.

Note: These are the new authentication methods. Some databases may still display the old authentication method. Please choose one or both new methods mentioned above.

Allow Showing Password

Setting it to No, users will not be able to see passwords through the "Eye" icon.

Denied Login Method

Check the options to prohibit users from logging in through these methods.

Ignore Denied Login Method for User Groups

Selected groups will no longer be constrained by the denied login methods.

Account Settings

In the account settings, you can adjust the following items:

Company Local Time Zone

The default time zone is determined by the browser time zone of the user who registers this database account.

Default Job Schedule Execution Time

The default execution time (system default is 19:00 based on the Company Local Time Zone) for the features below: Reminder, Daily Workflow, Periodic Import from URL, Schedule Report, and Automatic Archiving. To set different execution times for each feature, please adjust the settings in Job Schedules.

Default Language

The default interface language.

Default Number and Money Format

The newly added numeric fields and money fields will apply these formats by default. You can still modify the format for each field afterward in the Design Mode.

Default Date Format

It will apply to the Date field's format, Comment, Change History, Approval, etc.

Default the First Day of the Week

The system defaults "Sunday" as the first day of the week. If you wish to set another day as the first day of the week (like Monday), you may change the settings here. However, this function is only supported on the display format on the date picker, but not on calendar reports, scheduling reports, or the on the left sidebar related to defining "this week" and "last week".

Enable Access Request as External User

Set whether to allow external users to apply for access.

Default Separator of Multiple Fields

The default separator for Multiple Select fields.

Disable Automatic Invitations When Importing Users

Set whether to automatically send invitation emails when importing users.

Iframe Sources

When using iframe to embed content into Ragic, you can fill in the domain of the embedding source here to avoid the iframe content being blocked by the system and cannot being displayed.

You can refer to this article for example formatting types.

Default Number of Entries Shown in Listing Page

To set the default number of entries displayed on the Listing Page, but it cannot be less than 25.

Users can also adjust the display number through the Preferences settings in their Personal Settings.

Allow Deletion of Locked Records

The default setting is No. Deleting locked records, whether as single or multiple entries, or through the API, will be blocked.

Connection Restrictions

You can set the IP Address, Mask, connection time, and connection days for the database. Once the restrictions are set, users can access this database only if they meet the restrictions. This setting applies to all users except for SYSAdmins, and individual customization is not possible.

System Mail Setting

If you want the system mail sent from and reply to your own mail server, you can configure the SMTP server in this setting.

After configuring, emails sent using Send Custom Email, Email This Entry, and Reminders will be through your SMTP server.

However, if you reply from a record's email thread, it will be sent from the record's email address.

If there are errors in SMTP settings (Incorrect account, password, port, etc.), mailing issues will happen. You may download the Mail Log of your database in DB Maintenance to see if there are any mailing issues.

Single Sign-On Setting

If you have applied single-sign-on integration settings, you would have to select your identity provider (IDP). You would also have to copy the app federation metadata URL and the application ID from your identity provider to the respective Ragic fields here.

Recommended Image Sizes for Custom Assets

Asset Name Recommended image size (pixels, width x height)
Logo 600 x 400
Custom banner any x 102
Favicon 16 x 16
Splash Screen No limitations
Login Logo any x 28
Login Banner 600 x 500
Login banner when login in successfully 600 x 500

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