After you sign up for your free trial, you get access to all the features under the plan that you're trialing. You can change to a different trial plan yourself any time.
You will be able to add as many users as you need during free trial for free.
Absolutely! Our free version is permanently free, and the free trial does not require your credit card. No strings attached!
You can choose one of our five plans and pay by credit card from within Ragic. Contact if you would like to pay by invoice.
Your trial will become your permanent Ragic account, with all your form design, data, custom branding intact.
If you decide not to purchase at the end of your trial, your account will expire. We will not delete your data immediately and you will be able to resume using your account by paying for a subscription even after expiry.
Ragic plans are month-to-month or annual. You can change the number of users or the type of your plan at any time. Changes in the middle of a billing period will be prorated and adjustments will be made on the next payment.
Ragic guarantees that whenever the pricing changes, current customers will be able to freely choose between using the old plan or the new plan.
Throughout the years, Ragic has only raised the price but never lowered the price. So it's always better to get your subscription now!
We host your Ragic database on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon EC2 located in the US, Europe (Belgium and Ireland) or Asia (Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore). We plan to add more servers in other countries following Google's data center expansion plan.
If you are registering from an European IP, your account will be automatically created on an European server, with domain name that starts with eu.
Absolutely. Ragic has obtained the most widely used international information security standard — ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification.
Ragic uses the same 128-bit encryption and physical security that banks use; sensitive data is all stored in encryption or hash. We don't use an SQL database, ensuring there's no chance of SQL injection or other security holes found in many other products. There's no way anyone can access your data through a DB console.
Our servers are hosted by two highly trusted and popular service providers: Google and AWS. They maintain extremely high physical security measures, data is written and encrypted to multiple disks and backed up daily and weekly. You can also manually back up your database from Ragic whenever you want.
If concerns persist, you have the option to purchase a private server for installation on your own hardware or choose a trusted service provider. For more details on our security measures, feel free to contact
Compare our plans | Free GET |
Lite TRY |
Professional TRY |
Concurrent Users TRY |
Enterprise TRY |
Pricing | |||||
Price | Free | $5 / user / month | $19 / user / month | $49.9 / concurrent user / month Unlimited named users |
$55 / user / month Paid annually |
Minimum users | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 10 |
External users | Free | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Template sheets | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Records per Template | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Custom sheets | 3 | 5 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Records per custom sheet | 1000 | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Upload Storage | 10 GB | 10 GB / user | 30 GB / user | 100 GB / concurrent user | 100 GB / user |
Maximum Amounts of Emails Sent per day | 100 / day | 250 x Internal Users / day | 1000 x Internal Users / day | 1000 x Concurrent users / day | 1000 x Internal Users / day |
Support | |||||
Self-service knowledge base | |||||
Community support | |||||
E-mail / online support | |||||
Database Features | |||||
Access right control | |||||
iOS & Android apps | |||||
Spreadsheet import / export | |||||
Web embed | |||||
Dynamic linking | |||||
Record history | |||||
Built-in approval flow | |||||
Report Center | |||||
Notifications & reminders | |||||
Application history | |||||
Mass e-mail | |||||
Mass SMS | |||||
Account Customizations | |||||
Dedicated managed VM | |||||
Data Security | |||||
SSL encryption | |||||
Full server backup | |||||
Manual backup & restore | |||||
Recycle bin | |||||
Custom user groups | |||||
Automated account backup | |||||
Custom security setting | |||||
DB and server auditing logs | |||||
Private server | |||||
Uptime SLAs | |||||
Integration & developer tools | |||||
E-mail integration | |||||
Calendar integration | |||||
Dropbox integration | |||||
Server-side Javascript | |||||
LDAP provider (e.g., Microsoft Active Directory) | |||||
SAML provider (e.g., Microsoft Active Directory) | |||||
Sandbox accounts | |||||
Special pricing | |||||
Volume discount | Above 80 users | Above 20 users | Above 20 users | Above 20 users | |
Educational pricing | |||||
Non-profit pricing |
Ragic is built differently by design—common risks like unauthorized DB console access or SQL injection are simply not possible. Combined with enterprise-grade security, governance, and monitoring, we provide the highest security level for your peace of mind.
Our organization goes through rigorous annual audits, including ISO-27001, to ensure our team and processes are in compliance with global standards.
Get our latest features instantly on the public cloud with no server hassles. Most prefer this, but we get it—government agencies and financial institutions may need to host Ragic themselves for compliance. You choose—Ragic offers both options.