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If I Don’t Need To Use the Database Temporarily, Can I Cancel My Subscription or Downgrade to the Free Plan?

If you no longer need to use the database or don’t need to use it temporarily, you can cancel your subscription anytime on the Account Billing page. After cancellation, you can continue using your current plan until it expires.

When your subscription expires, this message will appear. You can either convert your account to a Free Plan or renew your subscription. If no action is taken on this page, your database will be locked and accessible only once you make a choice.

While we typically do not proactively delete your sheets and data, without a subscription, we cannot guarantee that your data will be preserved indefinitely.

If you choose to convert to the Free Plan, you will be directed to a page where you can select up to three Custom Sheets to keep.

Additionally, you can downgrade your plan when your current subscription is about to expire by clicking the "blue text" in the top right corner of the page.

Before downgrading, ensure your database meets the plan limits (e.g., number of Custom Sheets, number of records per sheet). Otherwise, the downgrade will not be successful.

After downgrading, all templates will revert to their default design, and any modifications will be reset. You can retrieve previous sheet designs using Sheet and Field Version History, within the limitation of your plan.

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