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Pricing changes with switching plan or the number of users

Learn how to modify your subscription here.


You can change the number of users or your subscription plan anytime you want. The change will take effect immediately and the fee will be settled directly at the moment. For downgrading, the difference will be directly converted into the account balance. Canceling the subscription allows you to use the database until the end of the current billing cycle. Automatic renewal and payment will stop for the next billing cycle, and any remaining unused time will not be refunded.

Changing to a different billing cycle

(ex. monthly payment to yearly payment)

The first full period of the billing cycle begins immediately, and your payment will be credited with the unused portion of the previous plan.

For example, if a customer signs up on May 1 for a plan that costs $30 per month and then switches to a yearly plan that costs $300 on May 15. The customer is credited $15 for the unused portion of the monthly plan and owes $300 for the first year of the new plan. The customer is invoiced—at the time of the switch—$285, and the annual billing cycle begins that day.

(Note that if the payment fails, the plan change will not go into effect).

Switching plans or changing the number of users

The first full period of the new plan begins immediately. However, you'll be charged for the difference immediately.

For example, if a customer signs up on May 1 for a $10 plan, she'll be billed $10 immediately. If she then switches to a $20 plan on May 15, she will be charged $5 immediately. On June 1 she'll be billed $20.

Invoice Example

An example of changing the number of users from 8 to 7.

If you have any billing issues, please email sales@ragic.com.

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